To my future kid: Your mom has her first craving... again?

To my future kid

We're having a kid. Not that you care. But the kid might. This is for him/her.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Your mom has her first craving... again?

This happened a couple of days ago, but I haven't had a chance to write: Your mom had a craving. For nachos.

She claims it's her first legitimate craving, which is a little weird to me because before she even knew she was pregnant, she really, really wanted orange juice and bananas.

She wanted eggplant parmesean that one time, and then ended up puking it all up.

She lived for two weeks on sea salt and vinegar potato chips.

And then there's the whole beef thing. She really, really wants beef. A lot.

But she says this is different. That she wanted nachos in a way that she didn't want beef or orange juice.

So we got nachos. With fresh jalapenos on them, which by the way, are really hot. I tasted the nachos, without getting a piece of jalapeno, and my mouth was on fire. She polished them off.

Then she had a stomach ache.

The good news is that the nausea is subsiding. The bad news is that she still doesn't have a ton of energy. Okay, it's not really bad news, but I think we're officially in the second trimester now, which means that she ought to be getting more energy.


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