To my future kid: Nothing much to report

To my future kid

We're having a kid. Not that you care. But the kid might. This is for him/her.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Nothing much to report

I got a call this morning from a headhunter looking to fill a job.

A job.

I haven't had a job in well over ten years. And I swore I would never go back to work for someone else. But suddenly, stability has become important. If there's a job that will give me a better chance of having a home and being able to save a little for your college, I'll consider it.

Weird, huh?

The way I see it, here it is well after 11:00 and I'm still sitting at the computer. Granted, I may not be as efficient as I ought to be, but back when I had a job, I got everything done and still had time to go out on the occasional date. So what if I'd be working to make someone else rich? I've been working to make myself rich and I'm not even close.

Of course, the very fact that I haven't had a job probably makes me unemployable. Who would want to hire me? I wouldn't.

You know what would be nice? Being able to take a vacation.


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