To my future kid: 06/27/06

To my future kid

We're having a kid. Not that you care. But the kid might. This is for him/her.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Well, this changes everything

Today, your mother mentioned that she was late. She hates to be late, so I got worried. I didn't know what she was late for and she wasn't rushing around like she needed to be anywhere, just giving me a meaningful look like I'm supposed to understand what she's thinking.

Turns out, where she needed to go was a drug store, to buy a pregnancy test.

We bought three, and all of them said the same thing.

You're supposed to see a minus sign if you're not pregnant and a plus sign if you are. After two plus signs, we still weren't sure.

The third test only gave us the vertical line, as if to say, "Don't you get it? You're having a kid."

So I guess we're having a kid.

Not to minimize your existence or anything, but it's not really that big a deal. We got Connie and Scooter because I had to go to the car for something and they were walking down the street together, looking for a home. We weren't looking for a dog, much less two of them, but we figured that the universe had just thrown more love into our lives, which sounds a lot more New Age than I really meant it to, and we adjusted accordingly.

Today it looks as if we're about to adjust again. It always works out when we do, which is my bewildered way of saying we're really looking forward to meeting you, even if you seem a little unreal at this moment.