To my future kid: 09/25/06

To my future kid

We're having a kid. Not that you care. But the kid might. This is for him/her.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Ooh, spooky!

Okay, this is a little weird. But before I get into the weirdness, a little back story.

You know Kitty--your voodoo godmother?

She used to be a financial analyst. She's a desciple of Warren Buffett, the guy who uses technical analysis to make gobs of money. Kitty and I used to argue about stocks. Her perspective was all about the numbers; mine was all about the marketing. Most of the time she was right, but when I was right, I was right big. I called Apple Computer back about eight or nine years ago and we're living off the proceeds today.

Anyway, about six or seven years ago Kitty and her husband Paul got tired of LA and retired to Oregon. Kitty used to say that she wasn't creative, but then she started making voodoo dolls. Which, by the way, are beautiful.

When we had dinner with her and Paul last week, she told us how little strange things were happening in their house. Paul's wedding ring went missing, for instance, while Kitty was out of town. She came home to find it on the arm of one of the voodoo dolls.

Another time, someone came over and was making disparaging comments about voodoo dolls. Suddenly, a loud, regular knocking started coming from downstairs. There was nobody downstairs and Kitty and Paul don't have any pets. Paul went to go find out what was causing the noise, but couldn't see anything. Then Kitty said the name of one the voodoo gods and it stopped. Just like that.

All this is preamble.

Yesterday, your mom was in the sun room and I was in the kitchen and suddenly Seymour the kitten's litter box fell off the shelf. The shelf is in the closet in the sun room and is wider than the litter box. I'd just cleaned it earlier, so I knew it was put back square.

Litter spewed all over the closet floor, and the opening was facing out, not sideways the way I'd put it in.

None of the dogs was in the vicinity and Seymour the kitten didn't come running out of the closet, freaked out that he'd made the litter box fall.


Like in a bad horror movie, we chalked it up to the wind or the house settling or something.

This morning, I was at my desk and your mom was talking to me from the doorway. Connie was lying on the floor behind her and Scooter was by my feet. Rover was downstairs--she's too old to make it up the stairs.

I was looking at your mom, and heard Seymour the kitten's cardboard scratching unit slide up against her foot. I didn't think anything about it until she said, "Did you see that?" I didn't because whatever had happened was on the other side of the wall, but apparently it had slid by itself.

Again, we wondered if Seymour the kitten had made it happen, but he wasn't anywhere nearby. When we found him, he was lying on the floor of your room, calmly pondering what a lovely life he has.

So now I'm a little freaked out. Kitty said the doll was there to protect you and I trust her completely, but still...

Stay tuned.