To my future kid: 07/28/06

To my future kid

We're having a kid. Not that you care. But the kid might. This is for him/her.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Let the mood swings begin

Your mom announced that she was about to have a mood swing today. I was hopeful. "To good?" I asked.

No such luck.

She got cranky. And it's your fault.

Okay, I'm over it now. Although I'm not exactly crazy about the crankiness.

They say kids change your life. I guess this is one of the ways. In addition to her mood swing, your mom has been pretty consistently tired since she got pregnant. She sleeps a lot--more than she usually does. And she's nauseous a lot. Squamish, that's her word for it.

The heat doesn't help. By the time you read this, the world will be different. I'm guessing that this will be the year--or at least this decade will be the decade--when global warming became critical.

Of course, that will be debated, the way all historical causes are debated. You'll probably learn that Henry Ford was to blame, as was Einstein in his own perculiar way. But I'm thinking that conventional wisdom will hold that Hurricaine Katrina and the Great Heat Wave of '06 will come to represent the beginning of the end the way the stock market crash of '29 signalled the beginning of the depression.

It's actually a bit cooler today. The internet, which these days is still a thing--I'm guessing that by the time you read this, the concept of making an effort to connect to all the information out there in the ether will seem like a bizarre ritual--says that the temperature only got up to 91 degrees today. So I guess the fever has broken. Or maybe we're in remission.

Either way, maybe it will put people in a better mood. I mean, not your mother, of course.